Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trailer Tuesday!

Starting a new tradition on this blog called Trailer Tuesday which is going to be about, you guessed it, new movie trailers that I have seen featuring movies that I am intrigued or excited to see. I'm not sure how many I'll post each day, we'll see what's out.

This gem is for the 2012 film ParaNorman. I am really excited about this one. I unfortunately have STILL not seen Coraline yet, but absolutely loved The Nightmare Before Christmas (just an fyi the director of Coraline and The Nightmare before Christmas worked with people who are creating ParaNorman).  That being said, ParaNorman will be one of the films I look forward to seeing most in 2012.

This horror movie I am a little skeptical about. The Innkeepers looks like a movie length version of Ghost Hunters, sans more people plus actual ghosts. Not sure what to think of this one yet, pretty much all of the director's movies have been straight to DVD. The movie looks extremely predictable: the ghost of a woman is looking for a new lover (enter lonely old man), the piano whose key's are not moving until someone gets close enough (for a "good" scare it the low notes), "You musn't go down into the basement." (Because nothing scary ever happens in the basement), Every room has a secret reminds me a bit too much of The Shining (enter creepy decaying woman in the shower, wait that's a bathroom scene in the trailer). We'll see about this one.

The trailer for The Devil Inside freaked me out too much for me to be able to watch it again. The first :25 give me the heebie jeebies!! Exorcism movies usually freak me out (except for The Last Exorcism, absolutely awful!) but this ones takes it to a whole new level, because one possession isn't enough, lets give this lady multiple possessions, and there is absolutely NO WAY I would come closer to her!! Keeping my fingers crossed that this movie is as scary as the trailer!

May your daydreams be full of adventures and happy thoughts


  1. I heard that the writer/director of the "Innkeepers" got the idea when he was in Connecticut filming "House of the Devil". The crew stayed in an inn that really creeped them all out, so they based this movie around that.

    Word to everything you said about "Devil" inside. No way would I go near that woman.

  2. I always like hearing about how they came up with movie ideas, like the Human Centipede director said that he and his friends were talking about punishments for sex offenders or something like that.

    Still, not too sure how I feel about this one, I think the just hearing and not being able to see anything factor could add to the creepiness, but for the most part, it looks like a lot of jumps and ugly faces.
